
Showing posts from 2020

For the sake of education

  This makes me mad.  I do not usually listen to people like Carlson but I felt like I needed to speak out.  I do not have a PhD; I have a Masters in education and while I will be honest and say some classes were easy, the work was hard.  I did not have time to work because I would teach all day and go to my 3 hour classes every night.  This guy is not only insulting the education of someone's hard work but it is completely rude to every other teacher.  He is diminishing her hard work and making it seem like this is not worth anything.  There are people working their asses off and spending a lot of money to further their education; they arent doing it so ignorant people like this guy can talk down to them.  We have grown so accustomed to insulting someone who does not view things the way we do and our country has been brainwashed into thinking that spreading hate and unkind words is the new normal.  Well, IT IS NOT. IT IS NOT OKAY TO TREAT PE...

Love, me.

A goal that I have for the next year, at least, is to learn to be nicer to myself and my thinking.  I already know that this is going to be extremely hard.  I am very set in my ways and I am an extremely harsh critic of myself which makes something like this difficult.  I love myself, sure.  But what I am saying is that I need to  forgive  myself-when things mess up, when work stuff happens, when life stuff happens.  Bottom line: things happen and I need to be more caring to myself.  I need to have some more self-reflection about things and realize that sometimes, shit does JUST happen.   I am a planner.  Everyone who knows me KNOWS that I am a planner.  I like to be on time-this is a big one for me.  I RESPECT peoples time and when I say I will be there AT A TIME then I will be there AT THAT TIME.  I also expect that from people.  It does not bother me for everyone to do it but it bothers me when people close to...


 I found this posted on Instagram through a hashtag I follow and it just stood out to me.  Oftentimes, I find that I love hard.  Normally I think it is a good thing and something I really love about myself.  After seeing my thoughts written by someone else I have found it can be unhealthy to love someone SO much, especially if it means I am loving myself less.  To this day, I focus on how to make others happy, over-perform or over-compensate, and have unrealistic expectations.  I often would justify a partners behavior which made me feel like I did something wrong.  We often forget to think about and take care of ourselves.  It is important in a relationship to take a step back sometimes and refocus.  I have thought a lot about going back to therapy and I feel like if I am thinking about it then I need to go before I become so overwhelmed that I am unsure how to cope.  I am not trying to say that my current relationship is causing me to ...

Toxic work environments

This post is about standing up for yourself.  I am a woman so if I say something I am automatically assumed to be a bitch if I do not agree or if I am not complacent.  I worked with someone who made me lose my shit.  Legit, I was going to quit because the toxic energy she emitted as well as all of the lies and bullshit. This person was inferior to me in regards to position; I would give directions and explain how things are to be done and it was just blatant disregard for what I said.  I am going to give facts-not any of how I felt about her.  She would lie to my face and she treat the children differently.  She seemed unwilling to learn (and I say unwilling because she just did not agree with my teaching style so she would not do it; maybe under someone elses direction she would have been more open).  She told my principal that I was abusing the children in my care-a downright lie and something like this could really ruin the career I worked so hard f...

Distance Learning

I think one of the hardest things for me about this new distance learning is that I cannot physically do anything about it.  A lot of people complain about the fact that  they are working more hours or that they don't know how to do it-like any of us really do.  But for me, it is about my kids.  If my kids are regressing (which they are), then I have to just sit.  If they are making gains (which few are), I have to sit. If parents are doing nothing with their child (because they are tired, or cant, or dont know how, or dont want to), I just have to sit.  I just have to sit. I reach out to parents and some dont want anything-they have flat out told me-NO, not interested. These are my kids too; you gave birth to them and raised them up until this point but I love them too. I want the best for them too! I want to see my kids and I want them all to succeed.  And I know that I can do more in order to ensure that. But I cant do it alone. I do not ...

Why Can't I Be Tired Too?

I am not saying that my exhaustion is MORE THAN yours, but why can’t I want to lay in bed after my day as well? It bothers me when people say “try having a kid” or “youre this/that?! You don’t even have a kid” You’re right. I don’t. I don’t want one (yet) and you shouldn’t be making me feel like my feelings aren’t valid just because I am choosing not to have a child. I can be tired because I was woken up at 8; it’s still tired. I can be lazy and just want to watch Tv because I spent 5 hours playing fetch in the hot sun with my dog. I can complain about the price of dog food and vet bills because her food is $90/bag-sure it isn’t diapers but it’s still an expense. I shouldn’t have to feel invalidated because I do not want a child. I still like my sleep. I still like my vacations. I still like being carefree and not having that responsibility. That is MY choice.   And that is 100% okay.

Homeowner problems

I am the first person to own something in my immediate family (my dad did but he doesn’t anymore so I don’t feel like that counts). No one tells you anything about dealing with HOA or downstairs neighbors. I think the hardest part for my right now is trying to balance owning my home and setting aside money for fun stuff. I do not want to be house poor and not be able to do anything fun in my free time. Lately it’s just bill after bill after bill and it sucks. And I HATE it when people say “that’s being a home owner!” How about you put the shut to the up and give me some useful information. I have recently been feeling a lot of pressure in two aspects of my life: my savings and my physique. I used to have a nice little amount of money saved aside for emergencies and I’m feeling very disappointed with how much I have now because expenses have piled up for various home owner things. I want to be able to have a cushion and save a certain amount and that is partially who I am...