It's Been a Minute

 There are a lot of things on my mind and I always want to take the time to write and update and share my thoughts but then I get lazy and decide to watch TV; however, today, I am watching TV AND typing (look, my multitasking has gotten better).

I am going to do my best and post some content more often-my life is very exciting so I know all of ya'll want to know what is going on 😊

I realized that I never posted an update with Mateo's Doc Band Journey; this post can be a follow up.  Honestly, Mateo did really well.  He wore it every day, even to sleep, and took it off for only an hour a day.  It was really cute and did the job it was supposed to do.  I was able to decorate it with stickers so that made it a little more playful.  His head shape did not change MUCH but it was enough to notice a difference for us and for him.  Luckily, he only needed one band, some babies need 2 or 3.  

I think a lot of people hear negative things about the helmet but there really is not anything bad I can say about it.  It felt nice to educate my immediate circle about why he needed and and how beneficial it was.  Obviously, they do not think much of us aside from "why does he need it? Is something wrong with him?"  Working in special education has given me some sort of "cushion," I will call it.  I have learned that I have a way of taking something difficult and making it sound not so bad. I give parents hope that their child CAN do something or their small victory is a huge victory.  I always thought that I was really blunt and you could read my face (which is all true), but I also have a really good way of speaking to parents about their kids and their disabilities.  This has helped me explain things to my own family (even though Mateo has yet to show if he has a disability or not), it gave me that "cushion" to talk about and educate.

Thanks for checking in! I will try and post some more info soon.  It took me a day or so to write and the baby is asleep right now so this is kind of prime time.


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