Mateo's Birth Story

 6:30pm: Heading to the hospital but had to eat my cookie first because 
I KNEW that I would not eat again until the next day.

In the lobby waiting for a room.

7:00 pm: We get to the hospital to check in and wait for a room to open up. We waited for about 2 hours before we got a room, and when we did it was not a room since they were full-it was the annex. 

This was my little annex with no doors but at least I was allowed to lay down.

8:55pm My first nurse (Erica) was very nice and sweet-good for a first nurse. She told me to take the fentanyl ASAP so I wouldn’t feel pain. She did all this paper work and I got set up to be induced. I got a pill inside to Help my cervix get ready and had to wait 4 hours to see if it was working ; well 4 hours later and it didn’t work so I got another.  

3:30 am: I finally got a room and started feeling contractions. I tried to hold off on any pain meds to hopefully make my labor go more quickly (I didn’t wait super long but oh well).  I waited about 2 hours before I asked for the fentanyl.  I asked for that at least every hour. 

7:00 am: I was not able to get a lot of sleep since I was constantly being woken up by different nurses.  The doctor came in and broke my water-and holy shit that hurt! I don't even remember why it hurt but apparently the doctor said the position of something (or maybe my cervix wasnt fully softened) or whatever made it hurt more.  At this point I was also started on Pitocin. 

Being exhausted; this was at 7:24 am.

8:00 am: I felt my contractions and I asked for an epidural; not because they hurt my stomach but because my left leg was in SUCH pain-it hurt to move or to sit still or just to be, even typing this I am remembering the pain and it sucks. I got my epidural around 9:00-10:00 (I cant remember but I asked my nurse Colleen for it about 3 times before I finally got it).  This nurse was really passive too which was a little rough.  She did talk me through the epidural which was nice since that was something super scary but the ONLY thing that hurt was the numbing medicine. 
I feel like I took forever to dilate; I only would get 1cm every hour, maybe.
4:00 pm: I was 6 cm dilated
5:00 pm: I was 6 cm dilated
Around this time I was shaking pretty bad, my heart rate was elevated, I have a fever, and I just did not feel good; but my nurse said it was JUST the medication (and what do I know)
6:00 pm: I was 6 cm dilated
My shakes and fever were persistent and baby's heart rate was elevated
7:00 pm: I was 6 cm dilated
I got a new nurse and told her about my symptoms; she then told me I might have an infection so I took a test and turns out I did (woo!) 
8:00 pm: I was 6 cm dilated
Somewhere around this time I was given antibiotics and was told I needed to wait to see if that was helping before we could have a c-section IF I DID NOT DILATE MORE. The pitocin was on and off throughout the day.
9:00 pm: I was 6 cm dilated; I talked with Martin about pushing for a c-section; I did not want anything to happen to the baby and honestly this was way too long to not dilate and I was over just sitting there doing nothing (and I was already tired since I hardly got any sleep the night before).
10:00 pm: I was 6 cm dilated; around 10:30pm the doctor said that I would have to do a c-section since I was still not dilating anymore (my thought: FINALLY!!!).
11:00 pm: I was being prepped for the c-section, signing all papers and Martin was getting ready to join me.  Once I was wheeled over, I was shaking-they said it was normal.  The anesthesiologist was extremely nice and very comforting.  He told me everything that could happen and would happen.  He said my chest MIGHT feel really heavy making it difficult for me to breath after he gave me the medication that numbed my body.  After maybe 2 minutes he asked how I was doing and I told him great and I was breathing just fine.  Then about 1-2 minutes after that my chest felt heavy and the breaths seemed more difficult so he gave me the oxygen mask.

Still looking okay here and I am for sure breathing (haha)

~11:30 pm: Martin joins me and Mateo is almost here.  I felt the pressure and I could smell some type of smell (maybe me being open or them cauterizing my skin?).  Once they were pulling him out I felt a weight on my chest-it was super heavy and I started having trouble breathing.  The breaths I did take were heavy and it was hard to even take those.  The anesthesiologist told Martin to reassure me and make me feel better so he told me "that is the baby, he is coming!"
11:38 pm: Mateo was here.  The first thought I had when I saw him was "there is no way that is my kid." I wanted to cry but then felt that heavy pain on my chest-but this time it was stronger and it spread to my right arm.  The doctor said he could give me more pain medicine but I would be completely out of it; I told him I wanted it and everything was groggy from there.

Our first family picture; I was given the pain meds so I was already out of it.

Still out of it here but am coming to a little more

Feeling a lot better and more coherent.
So many things happened after that but that is how he came to be.  My little Mateo was 6 lbs 6oz and was incredibly tiny. It was an extremely surreal feeling and it still feels weird to say that I have a son.

I want to share the list of nurses that I remember that I had from when I was there to when I left:
-Michelle-this was my favorite nurse and helped me feel so much better; she was awesome and just the best for sure.

Honestly I had more but it is hard to remember so thats all you guys get :)


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