All the things I have felt guilty about since becoming a mom:
* Not feeling connected to him; sure I want to make sure he is safe and protected but I do not feel that "oh my gosh/overwhelming love" feeling
* I do not want to leave him, not because I am sooo connected but because my sleep schedule
*if I sleep 7pm-1:30am and then on and off 1:30am-6:00am I do not feel like I can sleep from 7:00am-12:00pm because then I only have a couple hours of actually spending time with him.
* Martin not sleeping as much as he should; sure we are partners and we should be equal but he is working and I can sleep when baby sleeps during the day
* but on the other hand, I feel like he should be helping out MORE (you see its a rough battle of back and forth in my brain)
* Not cooking dinner
* Not having a clean house
* Not taking Athens out (enough and/or AS much)
* Not spending time with my family
* Not wanting CERTAIN people to come around/see me/see my baby
* Wanting to sleep over:
* eating
* cooking
* cleaning
* seeing people
* Not wanting to breastfeed every time he is hungry/ being lazy to try at those 1:30 am and 3:00 am feedings
* I want to say that I do not feel guilty about not wanting to breast feed specifically but I feel bad about the NOT trying part
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