
Showing posts from June, 2021

Mateo's Birth Story

  6:30pm: Heading to the hospital but had to eat my cookie first because  I KNEW that I would  not eat again until the next day. In the lobby waiting for a room. 7:00 pm: We get to the hospital to check in and wait for a room to open up.  We waited for about 2 hours before we got a room, and when we did it was not a room since they were full-it was the annex.  This was my little annex with no doors but at least I was allowed to lay down. 8:55pm My first nurse (Erica) was very nice and sweet-good for a first nurse. She told me to take the fentanyl ASAP so I wouldn’t feel pain. She did all this paper work and I got set up to be induced. I got a pill inside to Help my cervix get ready and had to wait 4 hours to see if it was working ; well 4 hours later and it didn’t work so I got another.   3:30 am: I finally got a room and started feeling contractions.  I tried to hold off on any pain meds to hopefully make my labor go more quickly (I didn’t wait super long but oh well).  I waited about

All the things I have felt guilty about since becoming a mom:

 * Not feeling connected to him; sure I want to make sure he is safe and protected but I do not feel that "oh my gosh/overwhelming love" feeling * I do not want to leave him, not because I am sooo connected but because my sleep schedule          *if I sleep 7pm-1:30am and then on and off 1:30am-6:00am I do not feel like I can sleep from                          7:00am-12:00pm because then I only have a couple hours of actually spending time with him. * Martin not sleeping as much as he should; sure we are partners and we should be equal but he is working and I can sleep when baby sleeps during the day          * but on the other hand, I feel like he should be helping out MORE (you see its a rough battle of back              and forth in my brain) * Not cooking dinner * Not having a clean house * Not taking Athens out (enough and/or AS much) * Not spending time with my family * Not wanting CERTAIN people to come around/see me/see my baby * Wanting to sleep over:     * eating

This is why teachers get burnt out.

                                                                                    I  get a bad rap for how  I  work; I’m more difficult and I like things a particular way.      I don’t think I’m the easiest person to work with but I also think it’s because I have very typical expectations of a co-teacher.  I started teaching about 4.5 years ago and every year, minus my first full year, was really difficult. I was first paired with a guy  who was extremely sexist and didn’t want to hear any advice I gave him about student behavior (what certain students liked  and worked well for; another example: a student was not listening and then about 30 minutes later same student comes back  to him and tries to show him something he made and he said “nope. I’m not going to pay attention because you were not listening  to me earlier”-completely unprofessional and WORD? In my opinion). The second teacher I worked with was still in school and I  had to handle all of the challenging behaviors myself