
Showing posts from May, 2020

Distance Learning

I think one of the hardest things for me about this new distance learning is that I cannot physically do anything about it.  A lot of people complain about the fact that  they are working more hours or that they don't know how to do it-like any of us really do.  But for me, it is about my kids.  If my kids are regressing (which they are), then I have to just sit.  If they are making gains (which few are), I have to sit. If parents are doing nothing with their child (because they are tired, or cant, or dont know how, or dont want to), I just have to sit.  I just have to sit. I reach out to parents and some dont want anything-they have flat out told me-NO, not interested. These are my kids too; you gave birth to them and raised them up until this point but I love them too. I want the best for them too! I want to see my kids and I want them all to succeed.  And I know that I can do more in order to ensure that. But I cant do it alone. I do not ...

Why Can't I Be Tired Too?

I am not saying that my exhaustion is MORE THAN yours, but why can’t I want to lay in bed after my day as well? It bothers me when people say “try having a kid” or “youre this/that?! You don’t even have a kid” You’re right. I don’t. I don’t want one (yet) and you shouldn’t be making me feel like my feelings aren’t valid just because I am choosing not to have a child. I can be tired because I was woken up at 8; it’s still tired. I can be lazy and just want to watch Tv because I spent 5 hours playing fetch in the hot sun with my dog. I can complain about the price of dog food and vet bills because her food is $90/bag-sure it isn’t diapers but it’s still an expense. I shouldn’t have to feel invalidated because I do not want a child. I still like my sleep. I still like my vacations. I still like being carefree and not having that responsibility. That is MY choice.   And that is 100% okay.