Toxic work environments
This post is about standing up for yourself. I am a woman so if I say something I am automatically assumed to be a bitch if I do not agree or if I am not complacent. I worked with someone who made me lose my shit. Legit, I was going to quit because the toxic energy she emitted as well as all of the lies and bullshit. This person was inferior to me in regards to position; I would give directions and explain how things are to be done and it was just blatant disregard for what I said. I am going to give facts-not any of how I felt about her. She would lie to my face and she treat the children differently. She seemed unwilling to learn (and I say unwilling because she just did not agree with my teaching style so she would not do it; maybe under someone elses direction she would have been more open). She told my principal that I was abusing the children in my care-a downright lie and something like this could really ruin the career I worked so hard f...